Checking the clock every 5 minutes.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

I'm almost 8 months pregnant. Very happy but scared and also uncomfortable. Bella is growing, she doesn't have enough space now and sometimes when she moves, it really hurts. Of course I don't blame her, but it makes me wish time to go by faster.

Anyway, just two more weeks for my Maternity Leave. Still so much to do! We've been packing little by little the last couple of weekends and expect to move to our new temporary place on July 17th. Best thing: this helps us to get rid of some old stuff.

I haven't had much time for my projects yet, mostly because after work I'm exhausted. However, I managed to finish one of the two webcomics I'm drawing for Glenn (check it out here) and I've already sketched the second.

I am excited to start the fairytale present for Bella. I already ordered the blank hardcover 28-page book from Amazon and expect to get it before I leave the office (as well as my "Last Unicorn" comic book... so pretty!). However, I admit I still don't have a clear idea of the story. I originally wanted to do "The Princess of Broken Wings" but it might be a little mature for a child... Well, I still have two weeks to figure it our and write the whole thing.

I'm not sure if I'll be writing an entry again before I move, so if you don't see me around, you can check twitter.

1 comentarios:

Konopikyu dijo...

A mi como niña me gustaba los libros que me permitieran convertime en algo fantastico y despues jugar con algun amigo o incluso sola. Creo que los niños son los mejores para darnos lo imposible dentro de lo posible.

Espero que te vaya bien con la mudanza, disfruta de todo el maravilloso caos que se viene y dedicale todo el tiempo posible a tu familia. Si por alguna casualidad necesitas algo que yo pueda darte con mucho gusto, aunque se que no, Isabella se encargar de darte todo cuanto necesites. A ver si logro regalarle un conejo de peluche antes de que nasca y es que he visto mucho pero ninguno tiene ese no se que.... espero encontrarlo